Speakers > John Akparep
Professor John Y. Akparep is an Academic, Researcher and Business Development Consultant. He is a Chartered Economics and a Member of the Business Advisory Service Providers Association of Ghana (BASPAG). John serves as Member of several Boards such as the Board of Directors of the Advent Cooperative Credit Union, the Board of Directors of ASAMAK Reality Ltd., the Board of Directors of Noni Hub and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Ghana Permaculture Institute. As a Business Development Consultant/Business Development Service Provider (BDSP), Professor Akparep has worked with clients of the BUSAC Fund, Ghana Skills Development Fund, Feed the Future Ghana Trade and Investment Activity (GTI)/USAID, ADVANCE/USAID and the Ghana Permaculture Institute on BMZ-SONED assignments. He has consulted widely for over 60 Private Sector Organizations (PSOs); largely SMEs in the Country, many of which are agro-based. His research interest is in the areas of Human Resource Management and Organizational Behaviour with focus on the Management of Conflicts in Organizations, SMEs Development and Agribusiness Promotion.